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Disclaimer for GPS Devices

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Geographical Information Services (GIS)

E911 Addressing FAQ

911 addressing is a confidential information database that links telephone numbers and addresses at the time of a 911 emergency call.

Most address information can be given over the phone.  Most times it is not required that you come into our office.  With our offices now being conveniently located under one roof at the Cherokee County Administration building, any information we need to assign an address is easily obtained.  There are times that it will be required that you come into our office to locate on OUR maps the location on a property where the address is needed. 

It is not required to have your Tax Map Number, although it IS very helpful. 

911 Addressing/Mapping will assign your street address.  You will need to contact the post office that will deliver your mail regarding the placement of your mailbox. 

The maps and other information about roads, addresses, businesses, etc., are loaded onto consumer navigation devices by the commercial companies that manufacture them. Neither the U.S. Government’s GPS programs NOR Cherokee County Government, SC, provides any of this data.

You can, however, be assured that 911 Dispatch is provided with all road updates, changes and deletions on a weekly basis. These updates are provided to them in-house by this office to ensure that emergency service responders can locate callers in a time of emergency.

Addressing Request Form
Street Address
ZIP Code
Street Address
ZIP Code
I understand that once the address has been assigned, I will be notified by telephone of the address. I will also receive an emailed address verification for my records. *

Cherokee County E911 Addressing
110 Railroad Avenue
Gaffney, SC 29340

Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Phone: 864-902-2250
Fax: 864-902-1100

Brian Hamrick, 911 Addressing Analyst

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