The following fees are prescribed in Appendix A: Fee Schedule in the Cherokee County Code of Ordinances.

For more information, see the Cherokee County Code of Ordinances,

  • Chapter 6: Buildings, Construction and Related Activities;
  • Chapter 13, Land Development Regulations;
  • Chapter 17, Planning and Development.

Building Permits

1.Building Permits

Moving Fee
$125 - Fee for the moving of any building or structure.

Demolition Fee
$50 - Fee for the demolition of any building or structure.

Plan-Checking Fees

One-half (1/2) of the building permit fee is based on total project cost.

NOTE: When the valuation of the proposed construction exceeds $1,000 and a plan is required to be submitted by the authority having jurisdiction, a plan-checking fee shall be paid to the building official at the time of submitting plans and specifications for checking. The plan-checking fee is in addition to the building permit fee.

A note on penalties: If work starts before a building, moving or demolition permit is obtained, the fee for the necessary permit will be doubled. Payment of the penalty fee does not relieve anyone from fully complying with county regulations governing the execution of the work nor from any other penalties.

$1,000 and lessNo fee unless an inspection is required (electrical, mechanical, etc.), in which case a minimum $18.75 fee for each inspection shall be charged.
$1,000 to $50,000$18.75 for the first $1,000, plus $6.25 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof.
$50,001 to $100,000$325 for the first $50,000 plus $5 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof.
$100,001 to $500,000$575 for the first $100,000, plus $3.75 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof.
$500,001 and higher$2,075 for the first $500,000, plus $2.50 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof.

2.Land-use Fees

Land-use fees shall be charged when a subdivision plat is submitted for review and shall be charged separately for each recurring preliminary plat presented to the designated ordinance administrator.

Fee TypeCostPurpose
General Land-Use$62.50, plus $3.75 per lot, up to a maximum of $400Preliminary plat review (approval of road design and layout)
General Land-Use$62.50 (up to 10 lots)Final plat review (approval for recording)
General Land-Use$93.75 (11 or more lots)Final plat review (approval for recording)
Land Development Project Fee$125Application fee shall be made to the designated ordinance administrator before work is commenced on all newly proposed multi-family, mobile home park, industrial, office, or commercial projects.
Land-use variance application fee$31.25Application fee shall be submitted in order to have the matter referred to the appropriate commission or review board for hearing.
Board of Adjustment and Appeals application fee$31.25Application fee shall be submitted to have the matter referred to the Board of Adjustment and Appeals for a hearing.
Communication tower permit fee$12,500Fee due before the issuance of a building permit for newly constructed communication towers.
Manufactured homes$6.25License Fees
Manufactured homes$250Setup fees for inspections, including but not limited to electrical, mechanical, and plumbing inspections.
Sexually-oriented businesses$62.50Business permit application fee
Sexually-oriented businesses$250Annual business permit
Sexually-oriented businesses$31.25Employee permit application fee
Sexually-oriented businesses$31.25Employee permit annual renewal
Sexually-oriented businesses$31.25Temporary employee permit
Operational permit$31.25Per 2018 South Carolina Fire Code

3.Fee Refund Policy

  •  No plan review fees will be refunded.
  • No permit fees will be refunded after 30 days past permit issuance date.
  • No permit fees will be refunded after an on-site inspection has occurred.
  • Refunds must go through the Cherokee County Treasurer's Office (LINK). Please allow two to six weeks for the refund.
  • Refunds will not be issued for anything less than $20. Any refund will have a $20 processing fee applied to it.

Cherokee County Building Safety Department
110 Railroad Ave.
Gaffney, SC 29340

General Office Hours
Mondays through Fridays
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Permitting Hours
Mondays through Fridays
8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Phone: 864-487-2561
Fax: 864-902-1100

Dale Gibert, Building Official
Email: [email protected]

Scott Ellis, Permit Technician
Email: [email protected]

Wayne Henderson, Property Maintenance Officer
Email: [email protected]

Tucker Tisdale, Inspector / Office Assistant
Email: [email protected]

Todd Atkinson, Inspector
Email: [email protected]

Eric Bradley, Inspector
Email: [email protected]

Brian Whelchel, Inspector
Email: [email protected]

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