The Clerk of Court is an elected position with four-year terms.

The position oversees Circuit Court (General Sessions/Criminal and Common Pleas/Civil) and Family Court, managing dockets, receipts and court records. The clerk also manages juries and courtroom staffing.

Through Family Court, the clerk is responsible for the collection and disbursement of child support and alimony payments, along with filing orders of protection.

Meet the Clerk of Court

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Jury Duty

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Filing Fees

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Family Court

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Court Rosters

Cherokee County is part of the 7th Judicial Circuit. Click here to view Court Rosters.


South Carolina Judicial Branch

The South Carolina Judicial Branch has a wealth of information for the various court systems in this state, along with other resources. You can find that information at


Juror Information / Frequently Asked Questions

Please report to the Cherokee County Courthouse, 125 E. Floyd Baker Blvd., Gaffney, for General Sessions jury duty. We ask that jurors arrive a little early so that instruction can begin promptly at the report time.

No. Please leave all such devices at your home, work or in your vehicle. These are not allowed in South Carolina court rooms.

General Sessions / Commons Pleas

You are expected to serve one week of jury duty unless otherwise indicated on your summons. We ask that jurors plan to be away from home, work and other activities for the entire week. Court runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. but may start early or go late.


Grand Jury

You are expected to serve one year of jury duty unless otherwise indicated on your summons. We ask that jurors plan to be away from home, work and other activities for the entire year. Court runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. but may start early or go late.

The Clerk of Court’s Office receives an annual list from S.C. Court Administration of all Cherokee County residents eligible for jury duty – all registered voters and holders of a Department of Motor Vehicles-issued driver’s license or photo ID. Jurors are randomly selected from that list.

Please contact Common Pleas Clerk Macie Cashion at [email protected] or 864-487-2571

Cherokee County Courthouse
125 E. Floyd Baker Blvd.
Gaffney, SC 29342

Mailing address
Cherokee County Clerk of Court
P.O. Box 2289
Gaffney, SC 29342

Hours of Operation
Mondays through Fridays
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Phone: 864-487-2571
Fax: 864-487-2754

Jury Line: 864-487-2585

Brandy W. McBee has served as Cherokee County Clerk of Court since January 2003.

The Honorable Brandy W. McBee, Clerk of Court
Email: [email protected]

Chief Deputy Clerk of Court for Family & Circuit Court: Ashley Byars
Email: [email protected]

Deputy Clerk of Court for Circuit Court/General Sessions Docket Clerk: Jamie Henson
Email: [email protected]

General Sessions Clerk: Macie Cashion
Email: [email protected]

General Sessions Clerk: Kelsey Jones
Email: [email protected]

Common Pleas Docket | Jury Coordinator: Lyric Oglesby
Email: [email protected]

Common Pleas Clerk | Jury Coordinator: Mollie Smith
Email: [email protected]

Cherokee County Family Court
125 E. Floyd Baker Blvd.
Gaffney, SC  29340

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 2289
Gaffney, SC  29342

Family Court Office

Phone: 864-487-2570
Fax: 864-902-1119

Hayden Hampton, Deputy Clerk of Court for Family Court Services | Family Court Docket
Email: [email protected]

Bailee Jones, Family Court Clerk
Email: [email protected]

Child Support Office

Phone: 864-487-2577
Fax: 864-902-1119

Adriana Cromer, Child Support Clerk
Email: [email protected]

Lillian Peer, Child Support Clerk
Email: [email protected]

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