CodeRED Emergency Notification System Reverse 9-1-1

Frequently Asked Questions

1.What is CodeRED and why is it important to me?

CodeRED is an emergency notification service by which public safety can notify residents and businesses by telephone or cellular phone about emergency situations. The system is capable of sending messages only to specific neighborhoods or the entire community.

2.Does this mean that I will be called constantly?

No. CodeRED will be used when emergency situations arise that you should know about.

3.For what kinds of situations will CodeRED be used?

Severe weather situations, substantial utility outage, evacuation notices, missing or lost persons, fires or floods, major roadway issues, significant criminal situations, chemical spills or gas leaks.

In short, CodeRED can be used for any emergency alert.

4.Why do I need CodeRED when I have TV to keep me informed?

CodeRED provides an additional level of safety. If power goes out, you may not be able to depend upon TV. However, because telephone lines are self-powered and most people now have cell phones, we can continue to keep you informed through messages delivered by CodeRED.

5.How do I know if my phone number is included in the CodeRED service?

All listed and unlisted residential and business phone numbers are included in the CodeRED service.

If you have moved or changed your telephone number recently, you should update your information using the CodeRED “Residential Data Collection” sign up form. Your old information will automatically be replaced by the new.
If you do not have access to the internet at home, please consider using a computer at your local library, or ask a friend or family member for assistance. On-line registration is the most efficient, accurate and private way to supply your information.

To register a cell phone, or to update your information on-line, you might first have to adjust your internet browser to enable cookies, otherwise you may receive an error message.

A local Customer Service Line 864-487-2743 has been setup for those without internet access. You will be prompted to leave your name, address and number you wish to add.

6.The registration form only allows me to enter a primary and secondary telephone number. What if I want to register additional numbers for my address?

After you submit the initial registration form, you may start the registration process again and submit more numbers for the same address

7.What if I have a cell phone?

You can add your cell phone number by using the CodeRED “Residential Data Collection” sign up form.

8.For what kinds of situations will CodeRED be used?

Severe weather situations, substantial utility outage, evacuation notices, missing or lost
persons, fires or floods, major roadway issues, significant criminal situations, chemical spills or
gas leaks. In short, CodeRED can be used for any emergency alert.

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