You must be pre-registered to bid. Tax sales are conducted once a year. Bidder registration requires a valid driver’s license. Bidder receipts, refunds and deeds, if applicable, will be issued in the registered name. Bidders wishing to include other names or change names on tax deeds must do so as a separate conveyance after a tax sale deed is issued.

Bidders are strongly encouraged to seek legal advice before attending and bidding at a tax sale. A Tax Title or Tax Deed is NOT a warranty deed, but conveys the interest held by the county in the property to the bidder. A purchaser of property at a tax sale acquires the title without warranty and buys at his or her own risk. A Tax Title can be challenged. Banks may not lend money on Tax Titles. The bidder is responsible for quieting the title. Please consult your attorney for this process.  All sales are final.

The successful bidder at the tax sale must pay the full bid amount in legal tender (cash, cashier’s check or money order) to the County Tax Collector by 5:00 pm the day of the sale. If the successful bidder fails to remit the tax bid, he or she is then liable for $500.00 per bid, collectible by the Tax Collector.

Neither Cherokee County nor the Delinquent Tax Collector are liable for the quantity or quality of the property sold. Cherokee County urges bidders to research all property before placing bids. The Delinquent Tax Office will not provide research information for you.

If you receive a Tax Sale Title or Tax Deed to a property, you will be responsible for title search and deed preparation fees, payable at the time you receive your tax deed. You are also responsible for the fees associated with recording your deed in the Register of Deeds office, 12-51-130. You are responsible for any current taxes due at the time your deed is ready.

Bid at your own risk. Each property is sold in “as-is” condition. Cherokee County makes no warranty and no representation whatsoever as to the value of the property; the size, shape, boundaries, location or physical characteristic of the property; the number or conditions of any buildings or improvements on the property; or the quality of the title to the property.

During the redemption period, successful bidders have no ownership rights to the property and have no right to enter the premises or contact the owner. Redemption is handled through the Cherokee County Tax Collector’s Office, and ownership rights are transferred only if the property is not redeemed.

Cherokee County Delinquent Tax Office
110 Railroad Ave.
Gaffney, SC 29340

Phone: 864-487-2541
Fax: 864-487-6208

Angie Wilkie, Delinquent Tax Collector
Email: [email protected]

Charlene Horton, Delinquent Tax Clerk
Email: [email protected]

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