If you have an emergency, call 911.

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Text to 911

Call If You Can. Text If You Must.

Cherokee County 911 has introduced text to 911 services in all communities within the county. This new service allows residents to text dispatch during an emergency. Text to 911 is supported by all four 911 dispatch centers in the county, which connect callers to public safety response agencies, including police, fire, emergency medical services and other rescue teams.

Text to 911 service is enabled on the four major cell phone carriers in our area: AT&T (Cricket), Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon. If your carrier does not support 911 texting, or if you are in a location that cannot send/receive text messages, you will receive a bounce back message. Regular text message rates will apply with this service.

Using the text to 911 service is only recommended if it is the only option and making a voice call to 911 is not possible. Remember to Call If You Can, Text If You Must. Some situations where this would be appropriate include:

  • A caller reporting an emergency is hard of hearing, deaf or speech-impaired
  • Voice connectivity is unavailable, but texts can be sent – this is true in some mountain areas
  • Situations when silence is of the utmost importance for your safety – instances of intrusion, abuse or other dangerous situations in which making a phone call would escalate the emergency

If you need to send a text, it should be simple, brief and concise and should not use abbreviations or emojis.

Alarm Systems

If you have an alarm system at your home and would like 911 dispatchers to have access to that alarm, please download, complete and return this form. 

Medical Alert Form

If you would like others to be contacted in case of a medical emergency, please download, complete, and return this form to the Cherokee County E911 Communications Office.

Freedom of Information Act

Click here for information on filing a FOIA request, including fees and submission information.

Cherokee County E911 Communications
110 Railroad Ave.
Gaffney, SC 29340

Phone (Non-Emergency): 864-487-2747
Fax: 864-487-2775

Hours of Operation
Mondays through Fridays
8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.

The 911 Communications Center is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Joshua Patterson, Director
Email: [email protected]

Matt Lawson, Deputy Director
Email: [email protected]

Holly Thomas, Operations Manager
Email: [email protected]

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