The Cherokee County Geographic Information Services (GIS) is responsible for overseeing the rights of way, properties and easements within Cherokee County. 

The GIS Analyst position is currently vacant, which is creating a backlog with GIS Map updating. We appreciate your patience.

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GIS Parcel Map

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Street Finder

South Carolina has more than 60,000 miles of public roads. The S.C. Department of Transportation (SCDOT) maintains more than 41,000 miles of those roadways. Roads in Cherokee County are also maintained by Cherokee County, the City of Gaffney and the Town of Blacksburg.

Click here to use the SCDOT Street Finder. To use it, select a county from the dropdown list, then type the name of the road.

Land Records

Search South Carolina land records at

Cherokee County GIS Office
110 Railroad Ave.
Gaffney, SC 29340

Hours of Operation
Mondays through Fridays
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

GIS Analyst – Brian Hamrick [email protected]

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A Clear Vision

Explore our vision for 2037's Cherokee County.
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