Welcome to the Cherokee County Assessor’s Office. Here you will find a variety of information related to exemptions and assessments of real property.

This office appraises real property fairly and accurately in compliance with all state and county laws and policies for ad-valorem tax purposes. As a department, we will strive to serve you as efficiently and professionally as possible at all times. Staff will make every effort to have the most accurate data available for you.


If you file an appeal and it has not been resolved by the due date, you must pay your original bill as issued by the original due date. State law (South Carolina Code 12-45-180) requires that penalties and interest be applied and cannot be waived. If a change is made that reduces the bill, a refund will be issued automatically.

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Search Assessor Records

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Assessor Forms

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Geographic Information Services (GIS)

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Assessor Mapping

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SC Department of Revenue

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South Carolina Legislature

Cherokee County Assessor’s Office
110 Railroad Ave.
Gaffney, SC 29340

Hours of Operation
Mondays through Fridays
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Phone: 864-487-2552
Fax: 864-487-2555
Email: [email protected]

Main Assessor Email
Email: [email protected]

Kris Batchler, Assessor
Email: [email protected]

Melissa Mote, Deputy Assessor
Email: [email protected]

Sandra Price, Administrative Assistant
Email: [email protected]

Joseph Patterson Jr., Appraiser
Email: [email protected]

Brice Bolin, Appraiser
Email: [email protected]

Ashlee Napier, Lister
Email: [email protected]

Maura Sheppard, Tax Assessor Clerk
Email: [email protected]

Jerrie Wyant, Mapping Data Technician
Email: [email protected]

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