The Cherokee County Construction and Demolition (C&D) Landfill opened in the mid-1990s following the closure of the old MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) landfill.

Regular household garbage does not go into the C&D landfill. 

However, there are containers by the main gate for household trash. There is no fee for drop-off in those containers for Cherokee County residents.

The Transfer Station allows businesses to drop off large amounts of trash, broken pallets, cardboard, debris and other items. The Transfer Station fee is $56.70 per ton.

The C&D Landfill Tipping Fee is $35 per ton. Businesses may drop off construction and demolition items here.

The Convenience Center at the landfill is OPEN during Hours of Operation 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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Solid Waste

For information about household garbage pickup, visit Solid Waste Collection.

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For information about recycling, visit the Recycling Center.

For more information on landfills, industrial waste, hazardous waste, construction and demolition debris, and municipal solid waste (household trash), Visit the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control.

Acceptable items for the C&D landfill:

  • Cardboard*
  • Large steel
  • Tires
  • Batteries
  • Appliances (including white goods, such as stoves, refrigerators, microwaves, dishwashers)
  • Electronics (a $10 fee may apply for electronics)
  • Waste Oil
  • Yard debris
  • Concrete and asphalt
  • Metal items such as fencing, wheelbarrows and lawn mowers

*While cardboard is accepted at the landfill, we prefer that you take it to the recycling center.

Note: No hazardous wastes of any kind are accepted at the landfill. The C&D Landfill also does not accept telephone poles or railroad ties.

The Cherokee County C&D Landfill no longer accepts large quantities of asbestos. For information on how to dispose of that, visit the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control. 

Cherokee County Landfill
192 Lemuels Road
Gaffney, SC 29341

Hours of Operations
Mondays through Saturdays
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Phone: 864-487-2537
Fax: 864-902-8433

Ronnie Benton, Landfill Manager
Email: [email protected]


The old MSW landfill is being monitored as part of a required 30-year post-closure care period. Methane generated from this landfill is collected and burned off. This area is not open to the public.

For more information, contact
Dewayne Staton, Post Closure Manager
Phone: 864-487-2788

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