Convenience Centers are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Cherokee County strives to provide residents easily accessible Convenience Centers to drop off their recycling.

Note: Only Convenience Centers marked with an asterisk (*) accept waste oil.

Buffalo Volunteer Fire Department* 
137 Blackwell Road 
Blacksburg, SC 29702

Cherokee County Recycling Center
1602 Overbrook Drive 
Gaffney, SC 29341

Goucher / White Plains Fire Department*
579 Goucher School Road
Gaffney, SC 29340

Grassy Pond Fire Department*
168 School Road 
Gaffney, SC 29341

Macedonia Fire Department (Sunny Slope Substation)
122 Co Road S-11-131
Gaffney, SC 29341

Asbury / Rehoboth Fire Department*
5837 Union Highway 
Gaffney, SC 29340

Cherokee County Landfill*
192 Lemuels Road 
Gaffney, SC 29341

*CLOSES AT 4:30 pm*

Corinth Fire Department*
484 State Road S-11-54
Gaffney, SC 29340

Twin Rivers Fire Department*
855 Hickory Grove Road
Gaffney, SC 29340

Blacksburg Public Works Complex (Waste Oil Only)
200 Osee Road 
Blacksburg, SC 29702

Recycling Center
1602 Overbrook Drive
Gaffney, SC 29341

Hours of Operation

Mondays through Fridays:
7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

8 a.m. to 1 p.m

Phone: 864-487-2760
Fax: 864-487-6231

Gaylan Pennington, Recycling Center Manager
Email: [email protected]

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