The 7th Circuit Solicitor’s Office represents the state of South Carolina in criminal cases filed by law enforcement in Spartanburg and Cherokee counties. A diverse team of attorneys represents the office in Circuit Court, Family Court and Magistrate Court hearings. Solicitor Barry Barnette and his team of attorneys strive to do what is good, just and right in discharging public service.

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Court Roster

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An Important Message for Local Police Officers

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Public Index

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Spartanburg Website

Supreme Court Orders

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Supreme Court Docket Management Order

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Solicitor Juvenile Drug Intervention Program

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Spartanburg County Truancy Program for the Seventh Judicial Circuit

Cherokee County Court House
125 E. Floyd Baker Blvd., #6
Gaffney, SC 29340

Phone: 864-487-2576

Barry Barnette, Solicitor
Email: [email protected]

Kim Leskanic, Deputy Solicitor
Email: [email protected]

Evan Haney, Assistant Solicitor
Email: [email protected]

Matt Kendall, Assistant Solicitor
Email: [email protected]

Bernadette Swayngim, Circuit Solicitor Assistant
Email: [email protected]

Erin Frady, Administrative Assistant
Email: [email protected]

Anna Reynolds, Administrative Assistant
Email: [email protected]

Adrienne Barry, Assistant Solicitor
Email: [email protected]

Aerial Moore, Administrative Assistant
Email: [email protected]

Carol Pirkey, Victim Advocate
Email: [email protected]

Richard Burgess, Criminal Investigator
Email: [email protected]

Jason Waters, Criminal Investigator
Email: [email protected]

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