American Legion Cherokee Post 109

210 S. Logan St.
Gaffney, SC 29341

Meetings: Third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m.
Contact: Todd Humphries, 864-487-2579

Disabled American Veterans Jack E. Daniel Chapter 54

401 E. Cherokee Ave.
Gaffney, SC 29340

Meetings: Second Thursday of each month at noon
Contact: Todd Humphries, 864-487-2579

Veterans of Foreign Wars Wildcat Post 3447

900 S. Granard St.
Gaffney, SC 29341

Meetings: First Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.
Contact: 864-489-7345

Marine Corps League Broad River Leathernecks

900 S. Granard St.
Gaffney, SC 29341

Meetings: First Thursday each month at 7 p.m., upstairs at the VFW
Contact: Frank Sossamon, 864-761-6572

Cherokee Veterans Council

110 Railroad Ave.
Gaffney SC 29340

Meetings: Every other month 1 p.m.
Contact: Todd Humphries, 864-487-2579

Cherokee County Veterans Affairs Office
110 Railroad Ave.
Gaffney, SC 29340

Hours of Operation
Mondays through Fridays
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Phone: 864-487-2579

Todd Humphries, Director of Veteran Affairs
Email: [email protected]

Douglas Hubbard, Deputy Director
Email: [email protected]

Angela Burnett, VA Clerk
Email: [email protected]

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Veterans Organizations

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Veterans Nursing Homes

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