1.City of Chesnee General Election

Opens:  Friday, August 1, 2025 @ 12 Noon

Closes:  Friday, August 15, 2025 @ 12 Noon

NOTICE: Filing fees must be paid to the Chesnee City Clerk. Then, a filing fee receipt attached to the Non-Partisan Statement of Candidacy form must be turned in to the Cherokee County Voter Registration & Elections Office no later that Noon, August 15, 2025.

OfficeFiling FeeFiling FormFiling Location
City Council (2 seats)$100.00SIC/NonpartisanChesnee City Hall, 201 W Cherokee St, Chesnee, SC
Mayor$200.00SIC/NonpartisanChesnee City Hall

2.Spartanburg School Board General Election

Opens:  Wednesday, January 15, 2025 @ 12 Noon

Closes:  Tuesday, July 15, 2025 @ 12 Noon

NOTICE: Petition forms must be submitted to Spartanburg County Voter Registration & Elections Office.

OfficeFiling FeeFiling FormFiling Location
Spartanburg School Board 2No feePetition FormSpartanburg County Election Office
366 N Church St, Spartanburg

Requires Signatures of 120 qualified registered voters of Spartanburg School District 2.

*Candidates are encouraged to submit more than the required number of signatures. 

Filing for Public Office

1.Where do I file?

Anyone interested in filing for office within Cherokee County must do so in person at the Board of Voter Registrations and Elections Office of Cherokee County located at:

Cherokee County Administration Building
110 Railroad Avenue
Gaffney SC 29340

Candidates for Multi-County Offices, such as: Solicitor, some State House and Senate Districts, and Watershed Commissioners may need to file with the State Election Commission located at:

1122 Lady Street, Suite 500
Columbia, SC 29201

Contact our office or the State Election Commission if you are unsure as to where you need file as a candidate.

2.Filing Fee Information

Some offices and jurisdictions require filing fees, while others do not.  Filing Fees must be paid at the time of filing via Check, Cashier’s Check, or Money Order. Filing fees are usually based on a percentage of the annual salary of the office sought.

Filing Fees must be paid at the time of filing via Check, Cashier’s Check, or Money Order.
Checks are to made out to the Political Party for which the candidate is seeking nomination or the governmental agency your seeking office for.

3.What do I need to file?

The office type and jurisdiction determine what forms, filing fees, or supporting documents are required. Every candidate filing process will required completing an official form. scvotes.gov has more information on the different candidate filing methods.

Filing Forms
Statement of Intention of Candidacy/Party Pledge Form (SICPP) (PDF)For use by candidates who are seeking a political party’s nomination to run in a general or special election.
Statement of Intention of Candidacy Form - Nonpartisan (SIC) (PDF)For use by candidates filing for nonpartisan office.
Petition Form (PDF) -- Must be 8.5 x 14 formatFor use by candidates filing a nominating petition. The petition must be in a form prescribed in S.C. Code of Laws section 7-11-80.Click here for petition directions
Filing Affidavit for Sheriff (PDF)For use by candidates for sheriff. See S.C. Code of Laws Section 23-11-110.
Filing Affidavit for Coroner (PDF)For use by candidates for coroner. See S.C. Code of Laws Section 17-5-130.

Wait to sign the form in front of an election official or have the form notarized.

Filing by an Agent - It is not necessary for a candidate to be physically present at the time of filing. An agent can deliver the SICPP (properly completed and signed by the candidate and witnessed by a notary) and the filing fee check on behalf of the candidate.Wait to sign the form in front of an election official or have the form notarized.

For more candidate filing information, visit www.scVOTES.gov.

4.Candidate Qualifications

No person may be popularly elected to and serve in any office in the State unless he is registered to vote in the geographical area represented by the office (S.C. Constitution, Article VI, Section 1).

A person convicted of a felony or an offense against the election laws is not qualified to file for or hold office, unless it has been fifteen years since the completion of the sentence for the crime or unless the person has been pardoned (S.C. Constitution, Article VI, Section 1).

Candidates for Senate and House must be a resident of the district at the time of filing. Candidate’s qualifications for all other offices, are determined at the time of the election and not at the time of filing or nomination.

Qualifications for municipal offices may vary by ordinance. Use the table below to view the requirements for each jurisdiction.

Some individuals may be restricted from running for public office by the federal Hatch Act.  The Act applies to federal employees and others receiving federal funds and restricts their participation in campaigns for partisan offices.  For detailed information regarding the Hatch Act, visit the  website of the U.S. Office of Special Counsel.

Click here for more information on candidate qualifications.

State Ethics Filing

Campaign Finance & Ethics

Applies to all candidates:

All candidates must electronically file online a Statement of Economic Interest (SEI) form and Campaign Disclosure Information with the State Ethics Commission. Forms, requirements, and filing instructions are available from their website.

Failure to comply with the filing requirements of the State Ethics Commission may result in fines or other fees. 

Candidates are no longer required to file a copy of the SEI or Campaign Disclosure Information with Board of Voter Registration and Elections. See the Equal Access to the Ballot Act for more information.

Filing of the Statement of Economic Interest (SEI) or Campaign Disclosure Information has no bearing on ballot access or the ability of a candidate to win an election.

Download the State Ethics Commission’s Candidate Newsletter

Cherokee County Voter Registration and Election Board
110 Railroad Ave.
Gaffney, SC 29340

Phone: 864-487-2563
Fax: 864-902-1127

Email: [email protected]

Cassidy Nichols, Director
Phone: 864-902-2329

Amanda Walker, Deputy Director
Phone: 864-902-2330

Mary Beth White, Clerk
Phone: 864-902-2293

Andra Wood, Part-Time Clerk
Phone: 864-902-2307

Tillie Cook, PRN

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